Because there’s more to life than titles and tenure.
Leaving academia is hard, but watching your life pass by is even harder.
Subscribe to fieldnotes - the weekly newsletter that shows you how to build a fulfilling future with your PhD.

Leaving Academia is Hard
You’ve invested a decade of your life, but now realised you’re missing...
You’re tired of working long hours, prioritizing your career over your loved ones.
You’re struggling to see your impact beyond the ivory tower, and responding to peer reviews isn’t helping.
You’re tired of bouncing between temporary positions in different cities.
You knew academic salaries were low, but now feel how feel how difficult life is without earning your worth.
You want a career where you feel appreciated, instead of a career where you never feel good enough.
You just aren’t happy in academia anymore. You dread going to work and dream of something different.
How Can I Help You?
Resources to help you find a non-academic career

Join the Incubator
Join my signature program, giving you all tools to change careers with a supportive group of PhDs.

Get my career guide
Download a free career guide with links to 50+ key resources for PhDs.

Listen to the podcast
Tune in to the After Academia Podcast and learn how to build a fulfilling life outside of the ivory tower.

Schedule 1:1 coaching
Get 1-on-1 support, helping you at every stage of your non-academic job search.
Hi there :) I'm Ashley.
For over a decade, I worked to become a professor at a top-tier research university.
Then, I quit.
Today, I'm an entrepreneur, writer, content creator, and mentor to PhDs who want to grow their careers outside of academia.
I'm giving you everything I needed (but didn't have) in my career transition. You don't have to struggle alone like I did.
My career advice has inspired 100,000+ followers on social media.
You can read more about my story in Science Magazine.